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Our YMCA offers programs for all ages, abilities, and stages of life. So what are you waiting for? Start having healthy fun at the Y!

After School

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At the Y, we see every child who comes through our doors as the leaders of tomorrow. We provide a safe, healthy, and fun place for your child after school and holidays. Beginning this fall we will be working in our raised garden as a project for our afterschool participants! They can learn how food is grown and be able to have some of their snacks from the garden! This garden is our continuing effort to teach and follow the HEPA guidelines of healthy eating and physical activity.

Weekly Rates

3 Day Attendance

$55 for members

$70 for non-members

(3 days not in school only)

5 Day Attendance

$90 for members

$115 for non-members

(3 days not in school and pick up from school other 2 days)


Full payment is due by 6 pm the Friday before the week begins. Call the YMCA office if you have any questions. YMCA membership must be current to qualify for the member rate. The YMCA is willing to work with anyone who has financial need. Please submit a scholarship application along with the required paperwork in order to be considered for assistance.

Late Payments

If your payment is more than two weeks late, your child will not be picked up after school until payment is made.


Pick Up

All children must be picked up by 6:00 p.m. and signed out by parents or pre-arranged designated persons. There will be a $10.00 late fee for any child left after 6:00 pm.



Be sure your child is familiar with personal items and can identify them in the event of a loss. LABEL EVERYTHING including swimsuits, towels, etc. All clothing should be appropriate for outdoor play.



Please label your child’s book bag with his or her name.



Healthy snacks and drinks will be provided.



Your child is given a specific amount of time for homework assignments. We cannot guarantee that all homework will be completed during afterschool. Our schedule consists of other activities that foster healthy lifestyles. If your child has a need for extra help with homework in a specific area please inform our staff so that we can provide assistance.


Lost and Found

The lost and found should be checked weekly. On Tuesday of each week, the items that have not been picked up out of the lost and found will be donated to a local charity.



Please do not send your child if he/she is ill. We are concerned about the health and welfare of each child, therefore we require sick children to be picked up as soon as possible in the event they become ill. Any major or life-threatening injury or accident that may occur during scheduled hours will be handled in the following manner:

  • 911 will be called immediately.

  • Parent/Guardian will be called.

  • Based upon the professional decision of the EMT unit, the child may be transported to the closest medical facility for immediate care, or the EMT may advise the parent/guardian or staff as to how to treat or care for the child.

  • No child, for any reason, will be transported in a staff member’s car without a written statement from the parents and approval by the Child Care Coordinator.


Behavior Management

It is our goal to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all participants. The YMCA teaches the core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. Children who attend the program are expected to follow the behavior guidelines and to interact appropriately in a group setting.

Behavior Guidelines

  • People are responsible for their actions

  • We respect each other and the environment.

  • Honesty will be the basis for all relationships and interactions.

  • We will care for ourselves and those around us.


When a child does not follow the behavior guidelines, we will take the following steps:

  1. Staff will redirect the child to more appropriate behavior.

  2. The child will be reminded of the behavior guidelines and rules, and a discussion will take place. The child will be asked to refrain from participating in any activities for no longer than ten minutes.

  3. If the behavior persists, a parent will be notified of the problem.

  4. If a child’s behavior at any time threatens the immediate safety of that child, other children, or staff, the parent may be notified and expected to pick the child up immediately.

  5. If the problem persists and the child continues to disrupt the program, the YMCA reserves the right to suspend the child from the program. Expulsion from the program will be considered in extreme situations.


The following behaviors are not acceptable and may result in the immediate suspension of a child for the remainder of the current day and the next day.

  • Endangering the health and safety of children and/or staff.

  • Stealing or damaging the YMCA or other’s personal property.

  • Leaving the after school program without permission.

  • Continually disrupting the program.

  • Refusing to follow the behavior guidelines or rules.

  • Using profanity, vulgarity, or obscenity frequently.

  • Acting in a lewd manner.

  • Fighting of any kind.


If any of these behaviors persist, staff may suspend the child a second time before expulsion.



If your child will not be riding the bus on any given day, please notify the YMCA by 12noon so the bus driver will not be waiting on your child.


Your input is extremely important to us at the YMCA. We expect all parents/guardians to talk with the staff members about any problem the child is having that we can help with. In order for us to serve you better, we need to know what is going on.

If at any time you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.



Whenever your child is riding in a YMCA vehicle, the following guidelines should be followed at all times:

  • No standing in the seats for any reason.

  • There is no food or drink (especially candy) on the YMCA vehicles.

  • There should be no screaming or yelling at any time.

  • Nobody parts should be outside of the vehicle.

Hours Of Operation

Monday- Thursday 5:00 am - 9:00 pm

Friday                  5:00 am - 7:00 pm

Saturday              8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Sunday                1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Union County Family YMCA

106 Lakeside Dr 

Union, SC 29379

Phone: (864) 427-0668

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